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Cairenn 03-11-2015 12:20 PM

Enhanced Player Experience: Game Update 1.11, 11 Mar 2015
  • Fast travel has been added to the map UI.
  • Using /reset now automatically resurrects you at the closest anima well.

    Tilty says...
    In order to make travelling through the bigger playfields easier and faster, we’ve added Anima Leaping to the game. This feature allows you to instantly travel to any known Anima Well in the area. Simply open up your map and select the Anima Well you wish to travel to. For a small PAX fee, you will then instantly travel to your selected destination. This feature is disabled in PvP playfields, instead you will continue to be able to choose which anima well to resurrect at upon dying.
  • Reorganized the inventory of all hub vendors.
  • Some shady new faces have appeared in London's Darkside peddling a collection of clothing that will rotate stock every day.
  • Henry the Hot Dog vendor has setup shop in New York, and is selling delicious hot dogs at affordable prices!
  • Tae-soo has returned to his flea market stall, and is selling a new type of food!
  • Updated loot tables for rare enemies in Solomon Island, Egypt and Transylvania.
  • Rare boss Futakuchi-onna's respawn timer has been adjusted to be more in line with other rare bosses.
  • All faction phone calls will now use the SMS notification system.
  • The interaction color for ladders has been adjusted.
  • Removed Adrian Zorlescu's incidental's chat box. It was displaying in error.
  • Adrian Zorlescu and Rada Nastaste should now properly carry on conversations with each other.
  • Positions of some targets in the faction training rooms have been adjusted. Some targets in the faction training rooms can be targetted by healing abilities after the tutorial has been completed.
  • Targets in all the faction training rooms now check whether they are being hit before resetting their health and combat state.
  • Targets in all the faction training rooms have had their health adjusted.
  • Changed the image on the login screen.
  • Changed the image on the splash screen.
Source and full patch notes

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