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kenze 07-08-2012 01:16 AM

Step by Step for increasing font size
repost from the TSW forums.
  1. Find the Fonts.xml in your ...Data/Gui/Default folder
  2. Copy the Fonts.xml and Paste it to your desktop
  3. Open the fonts.xml, wordpad is fine
  4. look for these lines ..

    <Font name="NORMAL" face="PetitaMedium" size="12" weight="Normal" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="NORMAL_ITALIC" face="PetitaMedium" size="12" weight="Normal" italic="Yes" antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="NORMAL_BOLD" face="PetitaMedium" size="12" weight="Bold" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="SMALL" face="PetitaMedium" size="11" weight="Normal" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="LARGE" face="PetitaMedium" size="14" weight="Medium" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="LARGE_BOLD" face="PetitaMedium" size="14" weight="Bold" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="HUGE" face="PetitaMedium" size="15" weight="Medium" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="CHAT" face="PetitaMedium" size="12" weight="Normal" italic="No" antialias="None"/>

    <Font name="HYBORIANSMALL" face="PetitaMedium" size="16" weight="Medium" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="HYBORIANLARGE" face="PetitaMedium" size="18" weight="Medium" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>

    <Font name="TSWLARGE" face="PetitaMedium"          size="16" weight="Medium" italic="No"  antialias="Full"/>
    <Font name="TSWSMALL" face="PetitaMedium"          size="12" weight="Medium" italic="No"  antialias="Full"/>

  5. edit the size="#" to what ever size you think best for you. I raised most of them to either size="16" or size="18"
  6. save the Fonts.xml
  7. place your edited Fonts.xml in the ...Data/Gui/Customized folder
  8. IMPORTANT- at the top of the Fonts.xml file you just made and placed in the Customized folder you'll see
    $Change: 61157
    probably after major patches youll need to update that number. Look at the original Fonts.xml file in the Data/Gui/Default folder to find the new $Change: #
It took some trial and error to figure this out and I hope it help some of you that like me had trouble reading that small font size.

Sulu 07-09-2012 02:55 PM

Good job. Once we get a few more of things like this ill throw together a unified guide to made it all easily accessible.:banana:

xenthal 07-11-2012 02:33 AM

Been trying to get the damage numbers font to a larger size but whatever i change doesnt seem to affect it, just everything else kept getting larger except for the damage numbers lol, any idea how to just change those?

Sulu 07-11-2012 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by xenthal (Post 65)
Been trying to get the damage numbers font to a larger size but whatever i change doesnt seem to affect it, just everything else kept getting larger except for the damage numbers lol, any idea how to just change those?

Just a thought here but here it goes. Sometimes games dont even use a actual font i.e. something you can highlight. Instead they can use an image and write into the script/code where each letter is in the image. So i think you could just edit the image then mod the code/script. If that is the case with this.

xenthal 07-11-2012 08:02 AM

i assumed it was:

<Font name="FLYING_NUMBERS" face="Sony Sketch EF" size="51" weight="Normal" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
<Font name="FLYING_NUMBERS_ITALICS" face="Sony Sketch EF" size="51" weight="Normal" italic="Yes" antialias="Full"/>
<Font name="FLYING_NUMBERS_SHIELDED" face="Sony Sketch EF" size="55" weight="Normal" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
<Font name="FLYING_NUMBERS_SHIELDED_ITALICS" face="Sony Sketch EF" size="55" weight="Normal" italic="Yes" antialias="Full"/>

part of the file like in AoC (as you see i edited it trying to change it)
but the editions i made had no effect whatsoever.

Sulu 07-11-2012 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by xenthal (Post 73)
i assumed it was:

<Font name="FLYING_NUMBERS" face="Sony Sketch EF" size="51" weight="Normal" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
<Font name="FLYING_NUMBERS_ITALICS" face="Sony Sketch EF" size="51" weight="Normal" italic="Yes" antialias="Full"/>
<Font name="FLYING_NUMBERS_SHIELDED" face="Sony Sketch EF" size="55" weight="Normal" italic="No" antialias="Full"/>
<Font name="FLYING_NUMBERS_SHIELDED_ITALICS" face="Sony Sketch EF" size="55" weight="Normal" italic="Yes" antialias="Full"/>

part of the file like in AoC (as you see i edited it trying to change it)
but the editions i made had no effect whatsoever.

Well i say we take anything we know from the aoc system with a grain of salt because as we have found out the ui is different is some vital spots.

xenthal 07-11-2012 08:47 AM

True, wouldnt make much sense for them to take it over to the TSW xml file tho if it wasnt used for anything lol

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