Welcome to Mercinova's Portal...

A bit about Mercinova...

Hails from Central Ohio - U.S.A.

Self-Taught Hobby GUI-Graphix Designer/Editor.

Also, A Self-Taught Hobby Guitarist for 20 years.

Doesn't know Jack S#!T about ActionScripting!!

Played - EverQuest I & II, WoW, AoC, RIFT, SWG,
EVE, AO, SWTOR, Allods, Vanguard, WAR...

Real Name is Marshall...Goes by Mars.

Is a HUGE Fan of The Big Bang Theory!

Is NOT the guy who owns Mercinova.com!

Turns into MERCINON when in the vicinity of Trolls!!

I'm primarily concentrating on CastBar Mods, until I get the hang of Flash. If you like my CastBar Mods, but would like a tweak or two...Just Click on the Feature Request text located on the Right...let me know what you need and I'll try to accommodate your wishes. Hundreds of people have downloaded these mods already, so I hope I don't get slammed with too many requests. We'll see how it goes for now.

Click here to lend your support!

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