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kaisoul 07-13-2012 09:22 PM

Question? Scripts
i have learned that TSW uses scripts to enhance game play in the game for some users.

What i am wondering is how would i go about making a script that would post in my factions chat channel a recuiting link like. "guild name here" is actively requiting. when clicked in chat it would pop up a window with a sales pitch/info of said guild maybe even a link in the window that would let them message me & another link in the window that would just close out the window.

Second script question how would i or am i able to make a script that when used will open a window with a list of links that when clicked would open the ingame web browser to said link's hyper URL also with a link or button in the window that when clicked closes the window out.

I am completely new to this games concept of scripting but i would like to be able to make the most out of it to help my game play & easily but maturely promote my Cabal i am in.

So any Exsample coding & or Links to well written guides would be very much wanted

Devla 07-14-2012 12:55 AM

There's a detailed post on the official forums explaining how to create script files:

kaisoul 07-14-2012 05:39 AM

well after reading up on that link i was given i noticed

/option chat_macro_window true

but i can't for the life of me get it to work as a script or as an alias cmd if some one knows how to get that working with out having to type that all out i would be very happy indeed :)

kaisoul 08-01-2012 06:13 AM

Script Question: in game browser scripts?
ok so i was bored as per normal and noticed i can use a custom webpage in the in game browser.

by custom i mean that all the data for the webpage is stored on my pc
1. images
2. style
3. the html coded index that will use the shinnies.
(pardon if i don't explain things properly)

now that i have my custom webpage i would like a script that will start the ingame browser to my custom webpage.

found this on the tsw forums and trust me it did NOT work as claimed :p


<a href='chatcmd:///option WebBrowserStartURL &quot;; \n /option web_browser 1'>open the TSW website</a>
any chance some one has looked into this and is willing to make a working script to do what the coding i pasted claims to do possible with out posting to any ingame chat ethier
1. just opening the webpage when script is run.
2. post a message just to the player like how Caillend did

i would be very pleased if some one would be able to make that script as i would be willing to make a sample custom webpage with some icons & links to some TSW related sites that some one might find useful ingame to hand to some one so we could have a temp enhancement to the ingame browser ^_^

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